We started today with a huge breakfast buffet - combination of Chinese and "Western" foods. John even got some tasty coffee (yea! instant human - just add coffee) which is a challenge in the land of tea drinkers. Qingdao is known as China's "Little Switzerland" as much of the old architecture is German / Swiss. After the murder of two German missionaries in 1898, the German forces took control of the town and Qingdao was ceded to Germany for 99 years. The Tsingtao (how the town name used to be spelled) brewery was opened in 1903. In 1914 the Japanese took over control after a naval bombardment of the port. They held the city until 1922 when it was ceded back to the Kuomintang. The Japanese returned in 1938 (Sino-Japanese war) until defeated in 1945. Qingdao is the 4th largest port in China and has a population around 1.6 million. The 2008 Olympic sailing events were held here.
We spent hours walking around the old part of the city - the German architecture under the Chinese signage and adaptations gives an interesting look. We wound up on Signal Hill in Xinhaoshan Park and walked around the area. The big tourist draw is a rotating viewing floor in a red "bubble" tower and the scenic overlook of the city.

The view of the Yellow Sea from our hotel room.

Our hotel is across the street from the train station which is very convenient for when we take the train to Beijing on Thursday. As we discovered last week, taking the train is easy - buying the train ticket is the challenge. The schedules are difficult to decipher even by the locals. Luckily the hotel bellhop took our information and got our ticket in about 15 minutes - it would have taken us a long wait in line and lots of gesturing and hoping for an English speaking cashier.
Below are views of the city from the park:
Olympic events area and the port where the Naval 60th Anniversary celebration activities are taking place.

Tsingtao Brewery (with "cans" on roof) - we hope to do the tour tomorrow. Supposedly admission includes 3 beers and a souvenir beer mug.

John and I with the Yellow Sea and old city area behind us.
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