Sunday, February 28, 2010

Book & Paper Arts Class Projects

French link stitch. It's hard to see the stitching because of the design on the ribbon I used. You can click on the photo for a much larger image with a better view of the stitch.

Abecedarium (ABC...Z book) - collaborative accordian pocket book by whole class. We each did 2 or 3 letters of the alphabet and made pages that fit into the pockets. I haven't made the book covers yet...still deciding on design.

I did 3 pages: K, R

and T (two-sided page with removable ticket). Rather fun to make since the pages are 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" - the same as ATCs (artist trading cards).

Long stitch box book (use any box: cake, mac & cheese, playing cards, etc). I used an old Swedish playing cards box. I also did some over-stitching to make it look fancy.

The last group of photos are marbleized paper. I tried various colors and design styles. Unfortunately, I didn't put enough alum on my paper so some of the colors washed off and aren't as vibrant as the paints were. As example, the 2nd photo has some pink color - that was bright red before the rinse stage. Oh well.

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Snow-filled February

We have received some major snow storms with record snowfalls - may break the record for the amount of snowfall in February. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the month with a big storm coming the exhaust blower on our furnace seized up and the part had to be ordered. We were without a furnace for 3 1/2 days. Luckily, we have space heaters and a gas fireplace (more decorative than for heat). Lia was not shy about being where the warmth front of the fireplace or in front of the space heater.

We survived the furnace-less snowy weekend and still had our Super Bowl party. Our basement is finished and has an electric baseboard heater that kept our guests warm.
The above photo is our deck earlier in the month. We got another couple of inches after this was taken. The weather did warm up for a couple of days and a lot of the snow melted. I didn't get a photo of the snow at its maximum accumulation.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

House and Cats

This is our family room with a fireplace and built in bookcases on both sides of the fireplace. We purchased matching recliner chairs for this room ("his" and "hers").

Surprisingly, the cats will sleep together on this chair. Until now, they did not sleep next to each other. I think the stress of the move, the cooler house temperature, and no couch makes them more willing to share space and warmth.

The family room windows have some strange blinds. Since the left half is a door that opens onto the deck, the shade on the right is not centered plus they do not cover the whole window. Which allows the cats to keep an eye on the backyard while the blind is "down". Each blind has 4 strings to open them....

because they are "decorative" when up. We inherited them from the previous owners. I hated them at first but I am adapting and they are growing on me. It's not in the budget to replace them any time soon so that is part of their "charm". :)

Grady absolutely loves the bay window and has claimed it as his. Lia will get up there once in a while but won't stay if Grady is there. I moved a kitty bed there and the first couple nights...and days...Grady was ALWAYS in the window. It is a bit drafty and colder now so he has opted for other places.

In front of the fireplace is a very warm alternative location.