Sunday, October 5, 2014

Life Shifting and a Maximum Card Postcard

It has been quite a while since I posted anything.  Many things have been going on but not always something that is visible or measurable to the outside world.  Lots of grieving, realizations, refocusing, and exploring.  One of my current transitions is shifting my time from so much television watching to a more intentional life and purposeful activities.  Blogging more often is one of those activities.  The entries may not be consistent (every Tuesday at 4pm or some rigidness like that) but I will share and show aspects of my life.  I do not know how much interest there is to read the entries, especially since this blog isn't subject specific.  It has various topics such as travel, postcards, swaps & other creations, observations, and new endeavors.

I received this wonderful maximum card (postcard image, postage stamp, and sometimes post mark all match and on the same side together; also called maxicard) from the Czech Republic via PostCrossing.

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