I am learning that besides the obvious flour, cous cous, noodles, cereals, crackers, and gravies, many foods have or may have wheat including soy sauce, honey-roasted peanuts, soups / chili, licorice, and fake crab meat. I have heard root beer is bad for wheat allergies but I don't see any wheat ingredients. I definitely have to read the ingredient list of everything I purchase now.
I am relying heavily on corn & rice flour based items and nuts to fill the wheat hole in my diet. I am eating more Mexican cuisine lately and doing basic meals of grilled meat (my husband LOVES to grill), veggies (roasted/steamed), and rice or potatoes. My husband has diabetes so he can't eat much of the foods made with corn, rice, or potatoes. We may be having separate side dishes and not always overlap our eating habits. I have not meal planned much in the past but may have to get into the habit of it.
Gluten-free is not the same as wheat-free. It is amazing how many people - in restaurants - don't know this. Some think if an item is gluten-free, it is wheat-free. Not necessarily true.
Although I avoid fast food as much as possible, I was curious about their ingredients. I was surprised to find that McDonald's has wheat in their fries and grilled chicken (Burger King and Wendy's do not).
The silver lining is I am conscious of every food I put into my body and am no longer eating some of the less healthy foods (i.e., breaded/fried items). There are still plenty of wheat-free junk food items unfortunately.
Sorry to tell you otherwise, but I think you've got it backwards.
That is to say, any food item that's listed as being "gluten free" had best be or people like good friends of mine may truly suffer. But if it's only "wheat free", it for certain must not be considered to be "gluten free."
BTW, they already make wheat free tamari, which you'll find in most health food stores and some regular ones. Depends on where you are. I know it well lol, cuz I've used the stuff since learning I can't tolerate wheat, either!God luck with your new regimen!
the missing "o".
To clarify what I meant: if an item is labeled gluten-free, there is no gluten but there may be other parts of wheat in the item. If an item is wheat-free, there is no wheat but there can be gluten from other grains. People I have encountered believe gluten-free means wheat-free and that is false.
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