Saturday, July 3, 2010

"The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live."

[Quote by Flora Whittemore]
I've always been partial to woodwork and wooden items. While in Peru, I saw several wooden doors that really caught my eye.

Some were more intricately carved than others.

When I decided to participate in an ATC / LTC* swap with a theme of doors, I chose to replicate one I had seen in Peru for my LTC. I hand carved the rubberstamp and colored the paper to appear more "wood-like" before stamping the image.

ATC = Artist Trading Card: 2.5"x3.5" piece of art (any medium) traded among artists
*LTC = Letterboxing Trading Card: same as ATC plus the criteria of an image of a hand carved stamp must appear on the card.
Check out for more information on LTC's and letterboxing.

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