Thursday, March 10, 2011

The World of Coca-Cola

This afternoon John and I spent several hours touring The World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta, Georgia. It was better than I expected (I knew it would be a big advertisement for their products and a collage of Coke paraphernalia). We had fun and enjoyed most of the activities and exhibits. The highlights for me were
the Coke dispenser used in space,

a variety of Olympic torches,

and the tasting room. Over 60 beverages that Coca-Cola makes and sells around the world available for unlimited samples. Some tasty ones (I hadn't had Inca Cola since my trip to Peru) and one was the worst beverage I had ever tasted (Beverly sold in Italy).

There also was a dispensing machine that allows the combination / mixing of several Coke products. John enjoyed making a combination that tastes like a creamsicle.

This vintage ad caught my eye. Back then a BIG 16 oz bottle served 3 - today a 20 oz bottle serves one (the nutrition label says serves 2 but most people treat it like 1 serving). Either way, portion sizes sure have changed over the years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found this post by searching for the poster of the "big" 16oz bottle. It also caught my eye and I was trying to describe it to my husband. It really says a lot about how things have changed over the years!