The scoreboard during the game.
Thursday was the start of college football season and I attended the Ohio State University game against Marshall. It was a hot, sunny 95 degrees (F) and not feeling like football weather at all. John and I left the house at 3pm to meet family and set up the tailgate. John and his family go to every home game and tailgate with an RV that has a grill and big screen TVs besides the tables loaded with food. John is the grill master and grills the hot dogs and hamburgers to feed the hungry fans. After several hours of tailgating, we walked the mile to the football stadium known as the (Horse)Shoe.

The view of the stadium from across the river.

The view inside the stadium from our seats (near the 20 yd line).

About 105,040 fans attended the game.

The Best Damn Band In The Land (TBDBITL) - OSU Marching Band and a view of the tunnel where the team come out to the field.

It was Alumni Band Day and they had their own section.
I took a video of the half time show where TBDBITL and the Alumni Band did Script Ohio (4 times simultaneously) on the field. I hope to add it here at some point - I keep getting errors uploading it.
Final score was OSU: 45 and Marshall: 7
We missed the last score (a field goal) since we were hobnobbing with a local celebrity.

A special treat was to talk with Archie Griffin (#42 and 2-time Heisman Trophy winner) and get his autograph on my ticket.

The Lane Avenue bridge and its reflection in the river.
We walked the mile back to the RV and helped tear down the tailgate. We got home by 12:30am. Yep, we were gone 9.5 hours - around here football games are all day/night events.