Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Crazy Busy

The beginning of October is "crazy busy" time for me. We closed on the house September 30 (Wed). My friend Bren got engaged and asked me to be a bridesmaid in her January wedding. Friday was bridesmaids' dress shopping and then packing and heading out with John to meet friends at Indian Lake for the weekend. Monday we got possession of the house and made our list of things to do before we move in. Tuesday I drove to my parents via Lafayette, IN to meet a good friend from my Ball State U days (we have recently reconnected). This coming weekend I am taking a 3-day adult immersion improv class at Second City in Chicago. I am very excited about the class - nervous about the drive from Valpo every morning (I hate being late or stuck in traffic) and finding parking. I'll head back to Columbus Monday and hopefully arrive in time to attend my improv class there. The rest of the month will be filled with house stuff (painting, packing, etc), doctor appts, and improv - our Columbus show is probably Friday October 23 but the venue is still being determined. So stay tuned for more details about the improv show starring the troupes Faux Real and Dingo & The Babies.

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