The Olympic Village in Beijing was fun to see. John and the rest of the group saw it at night also just before the lights were turned off. I was back at the hotel overly tired and having back spasms which makes walking very painful. They took the subway and got a couple photos taken before it all went dark. The next day we all went and decided to pay to get into the Bird's Nest. We were rushed for time so we didn't go into the water cube.

The torch building and/or hotel

The water cube and Olympic Tower (blue with rings at top - it changes colors) at night.

The Olympic Tower during the day.

Ron and John with the cube behind them.

The cube up close

The Bird's Nest (National Stadium) at night.

Day view of the Bird's Nest.

Inside the Bird's Nest

John and I inside the Bird's Nest

Bird's Nest - the ceiling is interesting with the structure and the opening.

Tourists can pay to have their picture taken in Chinese Olympic jackets and holding a torch and flowers like a medal ceremony.

Joey being blonde haired and blue eyed usually becomes a tourist attraction with crowds gathering. The Chinese LOVE to take his picture and pose with him. By the end of his 3 years in China, he will be in millions of photo albums.
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