Since the November weather has been so nice with high 60's to low 70's degrees and sunny skies, I decided to spend a few hours at the zoo. The Columbus Zoo & Aquarium is rated one of the best in the country.
A new bonobo (the smallest and rarest of the great apes) was born in March - the 11th born at the zoo. I saw the baby mostly hang on her mother and then swing from the lowest bars. Momma bonobo stayed close at hand since the teenager bonobos like to run around and "tag" or grab the baby before running away.

Several young flamingos were on exhibit. They stand out since their feathers are not pink yet (the pink color comes from their food source - shrimp).

I like the penguins but rarely see them in the water in their habitat. Just hanging around.

[I took many more pictures of various animals but want to save space for the videos below.]
The newest and most popular attraction is the polar bear habitat that has above water and underwater viewing areas. The bears are very entertaining to watch and seem to enjoy putting on a show for their audience. In the underwater video when the bear is standing on hind legs, s/he is standing in front of the above water viewing windows.