Friday, September 11, 2009

UGH - Termites

The house we are in contract to buy has termites. Our house inspector had pointed out the signs of major termite treatment (not just prevention) in the basement but saw no evidence of recent activity inside the house. The current owners had no knowledge about it and had an inspection report from 1999 (when they bought the house) by a pest control company giving the house the all-clear for termites. The garage has a termite tunnel and the mulch on that side of the house has the critters alive and probably well-fed according to the termite inspector. So we gave an additional Request to Remedy to the sellers to treat the house for termites and get a transferrable warranty. We are awaiting their response. Initially I was quite stressed about the termites since they cause a lot of unseen damage and I wasn't sure I wanted to deal with that and however long it takes to get rid of them. Plus we learned about this the day of the Request to Remedy deadline and it was taking many, many phone calls to get the inspection report (the inspector was going to do the paperwork the next day) and the forms filled out and submitted to the sellers on time. After some termite research on the internet and talking with a couple people, I realized that it didn't have to be a deal-breaker and we may not be so bad off. I am learning so much about houses, the house-buying & mortgage application processes, and that I need to find some better stress relievers! And I looked at way too many termite photos - ick!! But they are natural wood recyclers and help the forests...I just don't want them eating my house!

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