Monday, August 17, 2009


Wow! It is the middle of August already. Obviously, I have not been blogging. I thought about it several times and have some photos - still in the camera. The August heat is oppressive some days all I do is melt and get cranky. I look forward to fall - cooler weather, my favorite time of year, and it has always been a "beginning" season for me: school, projects, activities, etc. I tend to do more in the fall and plan out things for the year. So one of my many plans is to blog more - not ready to commit to "regularly" yet. Plus I don't know if anyone reads this or if I am basically talking to myself.

John and I are house hunting. It is slow going but on purpose. We started with some tight criteria to see what is out there. We have looked at several houses. For one house we did additional research since we both liked it but it didn't pan out. We are relaxing our search parameters and now have a list of 30 to check out online. We'll peruse the list to weed out most and get a list to see in person. It has been interesting to go through people's houses. I've been getting ideas of what to do and what not to do. It is amazing what people DON'T do when they know people will be looking around - we do check out closet sizes and such. It appears some do not care if their house sells or not as the toys scattered about and the mess makes it less appealing. This is my first time house hunting and (hopefully) buying.

1 comment:

Kristen and Richard said...

Keep blogging, keep talking, keep doing! I've missed you being "around" in the internet sense in the dog-days of summer. I'm looking forward to the rebirth of fall as well....